01 Self-introduction


Nice to meet you.

First, let me introduce myself briefly. I go by the nickname “Ashigaru Kumakichi,” which means “Kumakichi of the infantry.” Why infantry? Because I often go for walks, my wife gave me that name.

I am currently 38 years old as of 2024 and have a wife and an elementary school-aged child. I work in an office job, but unfortunately, I’ve been overlooked for promotions…

Now, I have a hobby. What kind of hobby, you ask? It’s walking! But not just any walking—I walk while learning about history. Living near Kamakura, I particularly love visiting temples there. In terms of Kamakura’s temples, I know more than anyone else.

In the English version, I aim to share information about Kamakura, especially for those considering traveling to Japan. If you visit Japan, I strongly recommend visiting Kamakura because it’s a place I love. Kamakura is rich in history and abundant in nature. You can truly experience the essence of Japan here!! And, there’s delicious food too♪

So, stay tuned for future posts about Kamakura. Please look forward to it! By the way, I’m not very good at writing in English, so I’m using ChatGPT to translate Japanese into English. Please let me know if there are any mistakes or awkward expressions in my blog posts.

