Top 5 Autumn Leaf Viewing Spots in Kamakura


Hello everyone! This is Kumakichi!

I’m writing this article in mid-August 2024. It’s been especially hot in Japan this summer, with temperatures exceeding 35°C almost every day—quite unbearable! So, aren’t you starting to long for autumn? It might be a bit early, but when we think of autumn, we think of the beautiful fall foliage, right?! Kamakura, located in Kanagawa Prefecture where I often take walks, has many great spots to enjoy the autumn leaves. I visited various places last year and had some unforgettable experiences, as well as a few regrets.

In this article, I’d like to introduce my top five recommended autumn leaf viewing spots in Kamakura, sharing my experiences from last year. Since the peak time for foliage varies each year and by location, it’s quite challenging to catch it at its best, but I hope this can serve as a useful reference for you!

Kencho-ji Temple

Kencho-ji Temple is the top of the Kamakura Five Great Zen Temples and a representative temple of Kamakura. It is rich in historical and cultural significance, and its beauty shines particularly during the cherry blossom season in spring and the autumn foliage season! The combination of the historically valuable Buddha Hall and Dharma Hall with the autumn leaves is incredibly picturesque.

My favorite spot is around “Hanzobo,” located at the very back of the temple grounds. The maples and ginkgo trees are beautifully in bloom there. The collaboration of the tengu statues and the autumn leaves is also fantastic!

By the way, I visited Kencho-ji on December 7, 2023, and it was just the right timing.

About Kenchoji Temple

03 Kenchoji Temple | くま吉の歴史散歩ブログ (

Engaku-ji Temple

You can enjoy autumn leaves throughout the Engaku-ji Temple grounds. In particular, the foliage near the Sanmon Gate and the garden behind the Hojō are absolutely stunning. Also, the ginkgo trees near the entrance are quite lovely!

In 2023, I visited in December, which was a bit late for the best viewing. I’d recommend visiting around late November for optimal foliage. Additionally, Engaku-ji has many other attractions besides the autumn leaves, such as the Great Bell and the Hojō, so it’s worth visiting any time of the year!

About Engakuji Temple

02 Engakuji Temple | くま吉の歴史散歩ブログ (

Meigetsu-in Temple

Meigetsu-in, also known as the “Hydrangea Temple,” is also renowned for its autumn foliage. The beauty of the fall colors in the rear garden is exceptional. However, when I visited in late November 2023, the rear garden was not open to visitors until December, so please keep that in mind when planning your visit!

About Meigetu-in Temple

09 Meigetsuin | くま吉の歴史散歩ブログ (

Genji-yama Park

Located about a 20-minute walk from the west exit of Kamakura Station, Genji-yama Park is known for its cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. I visited at the end of November 2023, and while the maples were beautifully colored and at their peak, the ginkgo leaves had fallen quite a bit.

At that time, I had just bought a camera and wasn’t very skilled at photography, so please forgive any less-than-perfect shots. If you visit Genji-yama Park, I recommend not only enjoying the autumn leaves but also paying a visit to the statue of Minamoto no Yoritomo!

Kamakura-gu Shrine

This small shrine is completely bathed in beautiful autumn colors! The maple leaves here display a deeper red compared to other spots. I visited on December 7, 2023, but many leaves had already fallen, so arriving about a week earlier would have been ideal.


 How did you feel the information? Are you looking forward to the autumn foliage season? I regret visiting Kamakura-gu too late, not being able to enter Meigetsu-in’s rear garden, and missing Hase-dera in the fall of 2023. I hope to make up for these in 2024! I’ll strive to capture even better photos to share with you all this year. See you then!

